Friday, November 21, 2008


confession: I have 4 personal blogs, 2 group-maintained blogs, and 2 social network sites that I post to occasionally. obviously, I don't keep up with all of them. the thing is, I really would like a consistent online presence, but I compartmentalize everything in a weird way. I create boundaries for the blogs, and sometimes my life just doesn't have the content so support them. in the instance of this blog, it's more that my camera stopped cooperating with me as it once did, and craft blogs just aren't that fun without pictures.

I've held onto each of my personal blogs for various reasons. the longest-standing one is just one that I've always returned to over the years. it's just a place for me to dump personal information on a certain group of people that probably wouldn't care if they never read about me again. I mean, I personally know most of them, but those people that actually would be interested in my posts could very well find out all my pertinent personal bizness by calling me. it's just hard to let it go. I don't even tell new people about it, and I rarely post anymore. the only time that I post, honestly, is when I feel completely isolated in life and need to vent. I don't think I want to project that anymore. I haven't deleted it because, as a writer, it's hard to throw away stuff like that. I might see if I can at least download it to my computer first.

then I have the "fredanism" site. it started as a place to house poetry and the little bit of art that I do. on my latest zines, I had put the site on the back of it. it morphed a little into a place where I could also tell people about the shows I do occasionally, and to critique my own performances. it shows the stuff that is close to my heart and soul, the stuff that I'm religious about. I haven't posted to this one in a while because, well, I just wasn't posting. I really like the name, attention-hungry person that I am. we'll see if I keep it.

I have this site. I really like the name. again with that reason. I like naming things, can't you tell? (actually, I like the names of all of my blogs... the personal one is "blue penny thoughts." no, I will not give a link, and if you look it up, the entries are locked. you might get some really really old posts that have stupid quizzes or what not on them, but that's about it.) I like showing my crafts, but I am not always crafty. I have been working on some crazy stuff lately, and though I still need to get a new camera, I will have stuff to share. I am also working toward being a more consistently paid crafty person, so we'll see how that goes. I feel that part of doing that will be having a more solid approach. hyping my shit. yeah.

I have another crafty blog, too, "apocalypse crafting." the intent with that one was to merge my crafty stuff with my scavenger tendencies, and to really focus on that. of course, I really like the name, but I don't think it warrants a whole blog. I think I can just do segments that feature that name on this blog.

I don't know exactly why I am expressing all of this here. I mean, I know I need to process a lot of things, and typing it out really helps. somehow, sharing all of this, even with a limited online audience (or none at all, who knows?) is very soothing. of course this is self-indulgent and probably not very fun for anyone to read, but it's all about me, now, isn't it? okay, it's not really.

the point is, is that I will be updating this blog a bit more with some awesome crafty stuff. I've toyed with the idea of combining fredanism with stranded, but I just don't know if there is enough overlap in the audiences to justify such a move. one day, I will have my own website, and these blogs will just be sections within it and then I'll feel much tidier about the whole thing. so for now, I think that I will be focusing on this and the fredanism blog, as two separate things, and then paring down everything else I've got going on. I really shouldn't be blurting out all my personal stuff online (even if my readership is limited to those on my friend list) and my creative writing is explicit enough for those times when I decide that it's okay to blurt out all that stuff. and I realize that I have wonderful friends and family to go to when I need it and that I should remember that. and if I can't, to use freaking notebook. sheesh.

and now, I will stop processing, thank you kindly for indulging me.

stay tuned, because I have some fun stuff going on that I will be sharing. teaser: really big pom-pom. if anyone is actually reading this, go ahead and comment with a guess about how big the thing is (going to be... it's almost done!)

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


so I'm waiting for a new mini-USB cord for my camera, so I can actually put some pictures up on this thing. what I will have to share: some really crappy photos of an adorable bunny hat for a friends bebe, photos of some recycled yarn (I've become addicted to pulling sweaters apart), and a hat. probably some other stuff, too.

one of my New Year's resolutions is to post to this blog once a week, or thereabouts, because I really would like to keep track of what I'm doing. my scatterbrained self actually started a new blog, which I won't even link to at this point because I haven't even made any entries. d'oh! it's called Apocalypse Crafting, and once I am a good girl about this blog, that I put a lot of effort into starting and promoting oh so long ago, I will use that one to specialize a little with recycled crafting. I think. I might just put that stuff here, so I'm not spreading myself so thin. to be perfectly honest, it's that I like how "Apocalypse Crafting" sounds. it's one of my weird writer traits, coming up with titles.

anywho, I'm about to go to a lovely craft circle! yay!

My photo
sometimes i like using a map, if only to see where to leave the path. sometimes i record my meanderings to remember where i've been.