Sunday, March 25, 2007

my first hyperbolic plane

so this squirrelly little guy is my first or second crocheted hyperbolic plane. there are two of these fellows, but the other lacks beading, because applying 192 seed beads is a bit... tedious. i wanted to make two so that i could have earrings, but i decided that it was not worth the effort. this will make a lovely necklace for my friend dana; she fell in love with him, and i will happily relinquish him to her once i figure out how i'd like to string him.

if you google "hyperbolic plane," you'll find all sorts of information about the math behind this figure. the really neat thing is that you'll probably find links o' plenty for knit and crocheted models.

it's really easy to make one. i used some nylon that i had found in a thrift store in hawai'i. it's pretty important to make sure that the fabric will be nice and sturdy, so choose your needle/hook and yarn accordingly. hyperbolic planes start small, then expand, so start with only a few stitches. i started with 3, but i think i'm only going to start with 1 next time. i doubled the amount of stitches each increase row, though you can most certainly increase at a different rate. how beautiful math is!

i do love the beads, but again, not enough to make them a standard detail; instead, i'm going to do the last row in a contrasting color. i probably will try my hand at making a set for earrings very shortly, because i would like to shop them around at some local places. i also want to get my online store up and running sometime very soon.

i have yet to do more than cast on for emily's mon petit chou hipsters. i guess i needed a break. i'm going to start those back up sometime this week. i've cursed myself because in the past week, i've mentally added at least 10 new projects to my wish list. next post will most likely be about several other works-in-progress.

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sometimes i like using a map, if only to see where to leave the path. sometimes i record my meanderings to remember where i've been.